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Capstone Proposal

Photo by Megumi Nachev on Unsplash

For my capstone project, I plan on discussing probiotics, general gut heath and how fermented foods can help with body function. From a general nutrition standpoint, I will discuss foods that are prebiotics and foods that people should seek and foods that people should try to avoid to feel their best. I plan on conducting a workshop in the CoLab on brewing kombucha and hand-out instructions on how people can do it for themselves at home. In the booklet I will include some recipes. I will be focused on how people can increase immunity, prevent illness and support overall mind, body and soul with these “foods as medicine.” 

I’m going to conduct this class in the CoLab with Denise Normandin, director of health PSU; she has said she would like to collaborate with Healthy PSU for this project. I will make a seperate story “series” on my Instagram page detailing the content in my book. I will also include the book as an “eBook” on a seperate page on my ePort. To advertise this class, I will make flyers and place them around campus. To reach a greater audience, I will talk to Morgan Navarro from Plymouth’s Marketing Department and do an “Instagram Live” takeover filming my collaboration with Healthy PSU. When it comes

For this project I will be getting the content and facts about wellness and nutrition from the course I’ve taken in integrative health, internship and practicum experiences. I’ll be advertising and publishing content with techniques I’ve learned from my business/marketing courses. I will essentially be marketing myself as an expert in Integrative Health. On an interpersonal scale, I will be working at Healthy PSU, an entity dedicated to promoting health on campus and with the marketing department on campus. I will gain an understanding of how each office executes a project like this on a university level. This project exemplifies interdisciplinary learning because it’s a perfect blend of the disciplines in my contract: integrative health and business. 

 My project will seek to solve the problem of poor health in our society. Many people want to be informed on how to live a healthier lifestyle but don’t know how or think being healthy is costly. Kombucha takes only a few dollars per batch to brew and is something people can do easily at home. I might talk additionally about fermented foods to make like sauerkraut, which is also very inexpensive to make and takes 2 ingredients. My audience is anyone looking to improve their health. I will focus specifically on who should most importantly take probiotics: people who want to boost their overall health, digestion issues, people taking antibiotics, people with issues with bladder infections and general inflammation. The question that drives this project is: how can we prevent common illnesses with food.

I will know this project is successful if I have a relatively good turnout at the class I lead in the CoLab, a product of effective marketing. I will meet with Denise Normandin either right before or right after spring break and then reach out to Morgan Navarro in marketing at Plymouth after that. I will do the majority of my research done by march 10 to start making my advertisement and handout I’ll make for the event I will run in the CoLab. On March 18, I will post flyers advertising my kombucha brewing event. I will run my event Sometime at the beginning of April.

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